
Everyone feels out of balance from time to time: at work, in relationships or perhaps with themselves. From this imbalance, our focus is often on mistakes and unevenness. In our desire for balance, we try to change ourselves or our environment as quickly as possible – sometimes against our better judgment.

To live a fulfilling life, aligning who we are with the world around us is often enough. In coaching, we therefore focus on your unique talents and core values and how to use them to their full potential to be and stay in balance. Be it work, relationships or yourself.

My coaching is a combination of personal conversations, telephone, video and e-mail contact, so that you can work in your own way in your time. I can draw from a broad base of theories and models, switch easily between content and process and make connections to achieve sustainable results. My coaching is customised and therefore always optimally tailored to you and your learning process.